Sunday, October 12, 2008


I received an email from a friend about hair bands lately. It is so disgusting! I feel like throwing all the hair bands I have now. I don't know whether they are China made. yuckiezz..

The email goes this way:
Beware when you are traveling to China , just try to be careful when you are buying hair bands down the road. Who knows what it is made from?

Be cautious of hair bands at open markets around the city too! They are probably from China since they are purchased in bulk very very CHEAP !!!!

Take a good look before buying hair bands in future especially hair bands like these:

These hair bands are made of USED CONDOMS! OMG! USED CONDOMS!!! I can't imagine myself putting them on my hair. ishh.. geli aku!

All these hair bands are in fact selling very well in the market now because they are very cheap and most people still don't know the truth behind the threads. It was said that people could still be infected with AIDS or any other sex-transmitted disease as these bands could still contain virus and bacteria. The disease can be transferred if people hold these rubbers or bands in their mouth while waving their hair into plait or buns.

CHINA oh CHINA!! Please stop producing these kind of disgusting goods to the public~

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