Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Is RELIGION a barrier in relationship?

In a month time, I’ve heard about 3 couples breaking up and the reason is “Our religion’s different.” They promised not to hurt each other, not to force each other to convert into others’ religion, and will respect each other. I guess, like I said in my previous post, when he/she asked for break up, promise is nothing now.

We shall all respect others’ religion, not forcing them to convert their religion. That’s what I think we should do. I don’t understand why some people would promise now saying they would respect but convinced their loved ones to convert their religion in the end. I see many married couples with different religion. They can live together happily but why can’t some others do so too? Don’t you think it is useless for a person who said “Nothing can be done now, let’s break up.” So, now I see breaking up is really as easy as ABC. *sighs* what do you readers think about this? Is religion really a barrier in relationship?

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